Vaping is a fun, trendy pastime that people engage in for any number of reasons. Whether you are a beginner, a casual user or someone who loves blowing massive clouds competitively, you will want to gain an understanding of eJuice ratios. With this knowledge, you can make the most of your liquid hobby.
Vaping juices are made using a combination of four ingredients: water, nicotine, flavorings and a base of either vegetable glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG) or a combination of the two in any number of different ratios. VG is a sweet-tasting, odorless substance made from the oils found in soy, palm, and other plants. It has a syrupy consistency that lends itself to household goods like lotions and toothpastes. PG, too, is used in cosmetics and foods. Odorless and colorless, it has a subtle taste and is an excellent carrier of flavors. That is why it lends itself so nicely to being an eJuice ingredient. The two substances differ in several ways:
• Throat hit. If you want a feeling similar to a conventional cigarette, a juice with a higher PG ratio is best.
• Flavor. Lovers of mild taste should choose higher VG concentrations; intense taste fans should opt for VG since it is a terrific carrier.
• Vapor production. If big clouds are what you’re looking for, go with high VG liquids.
• Storage. PG-based juices can be stored for longer because of PG’s moisturizing properties.
• Resistance to temperature. VG juices are thicker and thus have a higher temperature resistance. Although you will need to set the wattage on your vaporizer higher with VG-based eJuices, you will be able to produce impressively billowing clouds of mist.
• Atomizer compatibility. Because VG is thicker, it tends to gum up the components of your vaporizer. If you want to have cleaner wicks and heating elements, go with a mixture that is higher in PG.
As you can now see, VG and PG possess different properties that lend themselves to certain vaping styles and not to others. In general, here are some suggestions that can help you to determine what ratio matches your interests:
• Competitive vapers, sometimes known as cloud chasers, should use a pure VG-based juice such as Max vg eLiquid. Since big production is more important to you than pristine equipment or a hefty throat hit, VG is the way to go.
• Maybe you are a middle-of-the-road, casual vaper who wants the best of both worlds: visible clouds, a smooth inhale and mild flavor. In your case, a ratio of 70 PG to 30 VG is optimal.
Your vaporizer might get a little gunky because of the VG, but the pleasing feel and flavor will make it worthwhile.
• If you only want to vape once in a while not because of a nicotine craving or for a competition but just for enjoyment, an easy 50/50 PG-to-VG ratio makes the most sense. This mix is the ultimate have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too experience: decent clouds, nice feel in the throat, smooth flavor with some equipment maintenance but not a crazy amount.
• Flavor fans will want to go with a 100 percent PG eJuice. That’s because of PG’s unparalleled flavor-carrying abilities. You will also get …